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Time Out
172 produits trouvés
Intended for business and leisure, this guide includes the practical information you need. It covers four main sections: Essential..., By Area, Where to Stay and Need to Know. It divides Madrid into colour-coded districts, with the colour-coding cross-referenced throughout each section. It lists top 25 sights.
Dublin has established itself as one of Europe's key city-break destinations. This is a peaceful, beautiful city too, home to museums and inspiring architecture. This book gives a perspective on this destination.
Entièrement plastifié, le Flexi Map vous offre un maximum d'informations pour un minimum de place : c'est le plan idéal pour visiter une grande ville.
Plan de Stockholm et de son centre-ville assorti de toutes une série d'informations pratiques (moyens de transport, renseignements touristiques, principaux sites d'intérêt culturel, adresses shopping). Plan du réseau de transports en commun. Carte de la région de Stockholm avec index des villes. Index des rues, des sites d'intérêt, des bâtiments publics, des hôtels... de Stockholm.
Whether you're looking for the things not to miss at the Top 10 sights, or want to find the best nightspots of Budapest, this title features dozens of Top 10 lists - from the Top 10 museums to the Top 10 events and festivals - there's even a list of the Top 10 things to avoid.
Offers all the usual visitor information, presented in a way designed to take you straight to what you're looking for: reviews of the classic sights and venues in area-by-area chapters, maps with all the entries pinpointed, customised itineraries and visitor basics, all illustrated with photography.
Explore the wonderful city of San Francisco with this handy, pop-up map. This genuinely pocket-sized, San Francisco city map includes 2 PopOut maps featuring: a street map of San Francisco, Golden Gate Park, a detail map of Downtown San Francisco plus additional maps of Fisherman's Wharf & Pier 39, the San Francisco Bay area and a transit map.
Los Angeles, the capital of the West Coast, is a sprawling desert megalopolis and home to more stars than the sky at night. This work describes the sun-soaked beaches, celebrity-studded restaurants and general Hollywood glitz that draws tourists.
Bangkok's image has been transformed in the past few years, from the chaotic, sleazy, cliches of sensational headlines - into a confident city of design and sophistication. This title chronicles this new identity, its dynamic popular culture, and the contemporary faces of its rich traditions.
Ideal for business or leisure, CityPack Buenos Aires is succinct with all the practical information you need for a perfect trip. Key features include selected Top 25 sights and experiences,; durable pull-out mapping pinpointing all the sights for easy use and self-guided tours to show you the best of the city.