Simon Robert
Robert Simon ; echo (saxophone-alto & piano)
Simon Robert
- Alphonse Leduc
- 9 Novembre 2005
- 9790046263064
Reign of X Tome 14
Simon Spurrier, Robert Quinn, Antonio, Duggan
- Panini
- 100% Marvel
- 15 Juin 2022
- 9791039107853
La guerre des corporations touche à sa fin avec la conclusion fracassante d'X-Corp. Pleins feux sur Tornade qui commence à ressentir la pression qui pèse sur elle. Les Maraudeurs reçoivent l'aide du Hurleur. Le pacte secret entre Psylocke et Sinistre est dévoilé. Et Onslaught est de retour ?
Après l'interlude HELLFIRE GALA, les séries reprennent leur petit bonhomme de chemin avant un nouveau branle-bas de combat en juillet et le lancement de nouvelles séries. Cette fois, c'est la série X-Corp qui ferme ses portes en prévision de la suite ! -
Reign of X Tome 10
Leah Williams, Simon Spurrier, Tini Howard, Robert Quinn, Alberto Foche, Collectif
- Panini
- 100% Marvel
- 9 Mars 2022
- 9791039104876
Psylocke contre Betsy Braddock ! Quel parti vont prendre les Hellions ? Wolverine contre Dracula ! Quels sacrifices seront nécessaires pour assurer la survie des humains et des mutants ? En plus : une révélation fracassante pour les membres de Facteur-X, le lancement par M et Angel d'une nouvelle société visant à gérer les biens du peuple mutant et une aventure de Diablo.
La période la plus enthousiasmante pour l'univers mutant se poursuit avec des séries aussi variées que Hellions, Wolverine, New Mutants, S.W.O.R.D., X-Factor, Marauders... mais aussi deux nouveaux titres : X-Corp et Way of X !
Reign of X Tome 14
Tini Howard, Al Ewing, Simon Spurrier, Guiu Vilanova, Alberto Foche duarte, Robert Quinn
- Panini
- 100% Marvel
- 15 Juin 2022
- 9791039107846
La guerre des corporations touche à sa fin avec la conclusion fracassante d'X-Corp. Pleins feux sur Tornade qui commence à ressentir la pression qui pèse sur elle. Les Maraudeurs reçoivent l'aide du Hurleur. Le pacte secret entre Psylocke et Sinistre est dévoilé. Et Onslaught est de retour ?
Après l'interlude HELLFIRE GALA, les séries reprennent leur petit bonhomme de chemin avant un nouveau branle-bas de combat en juillet et le lancement de nouvelles séries. Cette fois, c'est la série X-Corp qui ferme ses portes en prévision de la suite ! -
Revue L'Avant-scène théâtre : toi, c'est moi
Moïse Simons, Henri Duvernois, Albert Willemetz, Bertal-maubon, Robert Chamfleury
- Avant-Scene Theatre
- Revue L'avant-scene Theatre
- 1 Août 2005
- 9782749809656
Bob et Pat, noctambules et dilettantes, vivent des largesses de la tante de Bob, Honorine. Exaspérée, celle-ci décide d'y mettre un terme et envoie son neveu dans sa plantation des Antilles, en recommandant secrètement au directeur de le traiter comme le plus simple des employés. Bob, découvrant la ruse de sa tante, suggère à Pat de l'accompagner et d'échanger leurs identités, afin d'échapper aux durs labeurs qui lui sont promis...
Le cas étrange du Dr Jekyll et de M. Hyde
Robert Louis Stevenson, Simon Moreau
- Marmaille Et Compagnie
- Adaptation Classique
- 30 Septembre 2016
- 9782367730370
Le docteur Jekyll, un philanthrope obsédé par sa double personnalité, met au point une drogue pour séparer son bon côté de son mauvais. C'est ce dernier qui, nuit après nuit, prendra finalement le dessus et le transformera en monstrueux Monsieur Hyde.
Gabriel John Utterson enquête sur le lien étrange entre Edward Hyde et le docteur Henry Jekyll.
Voici l'adaptation en album illustré très grand format du célèbre roman écrit par Robert Louis Stevenson et publié en 1886.
Les écrits. No. 142. Novembre 2014
Emmanuel Kattan, Naïm Kattan, Jean-Simon Desrochers, Robert Lalonde, Martine Audet, Nicole Brossard, Hervé Bouchard
- Les écrits de l´Académie des lettres du Québec
- 14 Octobre 2015
- 9782924558010
Le numéro 142 de Les écrits passera à l'histoire comme le premier de deux volumes soulignant les 60 ans de la revue. Intitulés « Passage de témoins », chacun des volumes rassemblent vingt duos d'écrivains jeunes et moins jeunes témoignant de l'éternelle jeunesse d'une littérature qui a atteint, à l'instar de la revue, une grande maturité et un plein épanouissement à travers plus d'un demi-siècle d'épreuves et d'expériences qui n'ont cessé de la renforcer. Un passage de poètes, de romanciers et d'essayistes saisi au moment où le « bâton à message » que représente la parole-témoin passe de main en main ou de bouche en bouche pour assurer la transmission de la voix et du regard que la littérature consacre depuis toujours à notre monde et à son histoire.
The CSA Exam
Rachel Roberts, David Russell, Simon Ormerod, Rachel Iqbal
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 19 Janvier 2016
- 9781119079170
First Prize in Primary health care in the 2017 BMA Medical Book Awards Written by a team of practising GPs and CSA examiners, in collaboration with the recent CSA Role-Player Lead responsible for training and quality-assuring the work of the simulated patients in the exam, The CSA Exam: Maximizing your Success is a key resource for trainees and their trainers, in preparing for this component of the MRCGP assessment. Designed to help readers prepare and master the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to pass, it focuses on what is truly expected by examiners and demystifies all aspects of the exam.
Giving insight into how candidates and trainers can maximize their potential, The CSA Exam: Maximizing your Success includes:
o Essential Learning Points, and Hints and Tips on `Getting Started', `The Consultation' and `On the Day'
o Advice on applying an ethical approach to consultations and dealing with possible areas of concern
o A variety of cases, to help practise exam technique and to aid candidates in the creation of their own cases
o A companion website at featuring 18 video clips to accompany the written cases and marking schemes
Taking an approach to preparation which looks at the candidate, simulated patients and the assessment itself, The CSA Exam: Maximizing your Success provides MRCGP candidates and GP trainers with an invaluable and unique resource for success in the exam. -
Crisis Management in Acute Care Settings
Gesine Hofinger, Michael St.Pierre, Robert Simon
- Springer
- 7 Novembre 2016
- 9783319414270
This book is unique in providing a comprehensive overview of the human factors issues relevant to patient safety during acute care. By elucidating the principles of human behavior and decision-making in critical situations and identifying frequent sources of human error, it will help healthcare professionals provide safer, more effective treatment when dealing with emergencies characterized by uncertainty, high stakes, time pressure, and stress. The third edition has emerged from an ongoing synergistic relationship between clinicians and behavioral scientists on both sides of the Atlantic to update and enhance each chapter -- blending the strengths of the two professions into a readily accessible text. Among other improvements, readers will find sharper articulation of concepts and significantly more information on the organizational impact on individual and team performance. Crisis Management in Acute Care Settings is the required reference for all who are learning about, teaching, or providing acute and emergency healthcare. It will be of high value for undergraduate and graduate medical and nursing program and offer a much-needed resource for those who use high-fidelity healthcare simulation to teach teamwork.
The Blackwell Guide to Social and Political Philosophy
Robert L. Simon
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 15 Avril 2008
- 9780470756539
The Blackwell Guide to Social and Political Philosophy brings together a collection of newly commissioned essays which examine fundamental issues in social and political theory. Written by leading social and political philosophers, each essay provides a map to the history of the issue at hand and a judicious assessment of the main arguments that have been brought to bear upon that issue.
Organic Bionics
Gordon G. Wallace, Robert M.I. Kapsa, Michael Higgins, Simon E. Moulton
- Wiley-VCH
- 6 Septembre 2012
- 9783527646050
The first reference on this emerging interdisciplinary research area at the interface between materials science and biomedicine is written
by pioneers in the field, who address the requirements, current status and future challenges. Focusing on inherently conducting polymers,
carbon nanotubes and graphene, they adopt a systematic approach, covering all relevant aspects and concepts: synthesis and fabrication,
properties, introduction of biological function, components of bionic devices and materials requirements. Established bionic devices, such as
the bionic ear are examined, as are emerging areas of application, including use of organic bionic materials as conduits for bone re-growth,
spinal cord injury repair and muscle regeneration. The whole is rounded off with a look at future prospects in sustainable energy generation and storage.
Invaluable reading for materials scientists, polymer chemists, electrotechnicians, chemists, biologists, and bioengineers. -
Organic Bionics
Gordon G. Wallace, Simon Moulton, Robert M.I. Kapsa, Michael Higgins
- Wiley-VCH
- 6 Septembre 2012
- 9783527646043
The first reference on this emerging interdisciplinary research area at the interface between materials science and biomedicine is written
by pioneers in the field, who address the requirements, current status and future challenges. Focusing on inherently conducting polymers,
carbon nanotubes and graphene, they adopt a systematic approach, covering all relevant aspects and concepts: synthesis and fabrication,
properties, introduction of biological function, components of bionic devices and materials requirements. Established bionic devices, such as
the bionic ear are examined, as are emerging areas of application, including use of organic bionic materials as conduits for bone re-growth,
spinal cord injury repair and muscle regeneration. The whole is rounded off with a look at future prospects in sustainable energy generation and storage.
Invaluable reading for materials scientists, polymer chemists, electrotechnicians, chemists, biologists, and bioengineers. -
Robust Estimation and Testing
Robert G. Staudte, Simon J. Sheather
- Wiley-Interscience
- 15 Septembre 2011
- 9781118165492
An introduction to the theory and methods of robust statistics, providing students with practical methods for carrying out robust procedures in a variety of statistical contexts and explaining the advantages of these procedures. In addition, the text develops techniques and concepts likely to be useful in the future analysis of new statistical models and procedures. Emphasizing the concepts of breakdown point and influence functon of an estimator, it demonstrates the technique of expressing an estimator as a descriptive measure from which its influence function can be derived and then used to explore the efficiency and robustness properties of the estimator. Mathematical techniques are complemented by computational algorithms and Minitab macros for finding bootstrap and influence function estimates of standard errors of the estimators, robust confidence intervals, robust regression estimates and their standard errors. Includes examples and problems.
Climate Extremes
S.-Y. Simon Wang, Jin-Ho Yoon, Christopher C. Funk, Robert R. Gillies
- American Geophysical Union
- 19 Juin 2017
- 9781119068044
Although we are seeing more weather and climate extremes, individual extreme events are very diverse and generalization of trends is difficult. For example, mid-latitude and subtropical climate extremes such as heat waves, hurricanes and droughts have increased, and could have been caused by processes including arctic amplification, jet stream meandering, and tropical expansion. This volume documents various climate extreme events and associated changes that have been analyzed through diagnostics, modeling, and statistical approaches. The identification of patterns and mechanisms can aid the prediction of future extreme events. Volume highlights include: Compilation of processes and mechanisms unique to individual weather and climate extreme events Discussion of climate model performance in terms of simulating high-impact weather and climate extremes Summary of various existing theories, including controversial ones, on how climate extremes will continue to become stronger and more frequent Climate Extremes: Patterns and Mechanisms is a valuable resource for scientists and graduate students in the fields of geophysics, climate physics, natural hazards, and environmental science.
Read an interview with the editors to find out more: -
This book focuses on the vulnerabilities of state and local services to cyber-threats and suggests possible protective action that might be taken against such threats. Cyber-threats to U.S. critical infrastructure are of growing concern to policymakers, managers and consumers. Information and communications technology (ICT) is ubiquitous and many ICT devices and other components are interdependent; therefore, disruption of one component may have a negative, cascading effect on others. Cyber-attacks might include denial of service, theft or manipulation of data. Damage to critical infrastructure through a cyber-based attack could have a significant impact on the national security, the economy, and the livelihood and safety of many individual citizens. Traditionally cyber security has generally been viewed as being focused on higher level threats such as those against the internet or the Federal government. Little attention has been paid to cyber-security at the state and local level. However, these governmental units play a critical role in providing services to local residents and consequently are highly vulnerable to cyber-threats. The failure of these services, such as waste water collection and water supply, transportation, public safety, utility services, and communication services, would pose a great threat to the public. Featuring contributions from leading experts in the field, this volume is intended for state and local government officials and managers, state and Federal officials, academics, and public policy specialists.
Securing Water and Wastewater Systems
Simon Hakim, Robert M. Clark
- Springer
- 4 Octobre 2013
- 9783319010922
Urban water and wastewater systems have an inherent vulnerability to both manmade and natural threats and disasters including droughts, earthquakes and terrorist attacks. It is well established that natural disasters including major storms, such as hurricanes and flooding, can effect water supply security and integrity. Earthquakes and terrorist attacks have many characteristics in common because they are almost impossible to predict and can cause major devastation and confusion. Terrorism is also a major threat to water security and recent attention has turned to the potential that these attacks have for disrupting urban water supplies. There is a need to introduce the related concept of Integrated Water Resources Management which emphasizes linkages between land-use change and hydrological systems, between ecosystems and human health, and between political and scientific aspects of water management. An expanded water security agenda should include a conceptual focus on vulnerability, risk, and resilience; an emphasis on threats, shocks, and tipping points; and a related emphasis on adaptive management given limited predictability. Internationally, concerns about water have often taken a different focus and there is also a growing awareness, including in the US, that water security should include issues related to quantity, climate change, and biodiversity impacts, in addition to terrorism. This presents contributions from a group of internationally recognized experts that attempt to address the four areas listed above and includes suggestions as to how to deal with related problems. It also addresses the new and potentially growing issue of cyber attacks against water and waste water infrastructure including descriptions of actual attacks, making it of interest to scholars and policy-makers concerned with protecting the water supply.
Ocular Tumors in Animals and Humans
Robert L. Peiffer, Kenneth B. Simons
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 25 Septembre 2008
- 9780470376676
The application of evidence-based veterinary medicine (EBVM) can assist in improving and optimising the diagnosis, prognosis, control, treatment and ultimately the welfare of animals. It can also provide the user with a methodology for appropriate, patient orientated life-long, self-directed, learning. To practise evidence-based veterinary medicine we require a range of skills that we may not have.
This book will explain what evidence-based veterinary medicine is and show how it can be applied to veterinary practice to improve the quality of care for patients and provide informed choices for owners. It will provide the reader with a toolkit of skills necessary to practise evidence-based veterinary medicine.
The authors explain how to:
· Transform information needs into a series of clinical questions that can be answered
· Search for best available external evidence
· Critically appraise the evidence for its validity and importance
· Apply the results in clinical practice
· Understand the process of diagnosis and use of clinical diagnostic decision support systems
· Perform a decision analysis
This book is aimed at practitioners but will be of interest to veterinary surgeons at any stage of their training or career wishing to learn about EBVM.
The authors are responsible for devising and teaching an EBVM course at the veterinary school at Cambridge.
Dr Peter Cockcroft, Clinical lecturer, Department of Clinical Veterinary Medicine, University of Cambridge. -
Indigenous Peoples and Real Estate Valuation
Robert A. Simons, Rachel M. Malmgren, Garrick Small
- Springer
- 7 Janvier 2009
- 9780387779386
Sponsored by the American Real Estate Society (ARES), Indigenous Peoples and Real Estate Valuation addresses a wide variety of timely issues relating to property ownership, rights, and use, including: ancestral burial, historical record of occupancy, treaty implementation problems, eminent domain, the effects of large governmental change, financing projects under formal and informal title or deed document systems, exclusive ownership vs. non-exclusive use rights, public land ownership, tribal or family land claims, insurgency and war, legal systems of ownership, prior government expropriation of lands, moral obligation to indigenous peoples, colonial occupation, and common land leases. These issues can also be broadly grouped into topics, such as conflict between indigenous and western property rights, communal land ownership, land transfer by force, legacy issues related to past colonization and apartheid, and metaphysical/indigenous land value.
Handbook of Water and Wastewater Systems Protection
Simon Hakim, Robert M. Clark, Avi Ostfeld
- Springer
- 1 Septembre 2011
- 9781461401896
Following the events of 9/11, the Administrator of the US Environmental Protection Agency created the Water Protection Task Force (WPTF), which identified water and wastewater systems as a major area of vulnerability to deliberate attack. The WPTF suggested that there are steps that can be taken to reduce these vulnerabilities and to make it as difficult as possible for potential saboteurs to succeed. The WPTF recommended that be scrutinized with renewed vigor to secure water and wastewater systems against these possible threats. It also recommended that water and wastewater systems have a response plan in place in the event an act of terrorism occurs. The WPTF identified water distribution networks as an area of special vulnerability and highlighted the need for rapid on-line detection methods that are accurate and have a wide detection range. As a result of these recommendations novel technologies from various fields of science and engineering are now addressing water security issues and water and wastewater utilities are looking for innovative solutions. Once such technologies are available, there will be a rapid implementation process that will present many business opportunities for the private sector. However, in addition to terrorist threats water and wastewater systems are inherently vulnerable to natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods. This volume will address the problems associated with both intended terrorist attacks and natural disasters affecting water or wastewater systems. The book is divided into parts based on the kinds of threats facing water and wastewater systems: (1) a direct attack on water and wastewater infrastructure storage reservoirs, and distribution and collection networks; (2) a cyber attack disabling the functionality of the water and wastewater systems or taking over control of key components which might result in system failures; and (3) a deliberate chemical or biological contaminant injection at one of the waterdistribution system's nodes. It will examine unique plans, technological and managerial innovations for protecting such systems, and includes descriptions of projects that were implemented to respond to natural disasters. Case studies are presented that discuss existing projects and evaluate their performance, with an emphasis on providing guidelines and techniques that can be implemented by water and wastewater planners and managers to deal with natural and manmade disasters should they occur.
This book discusses Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) and their potential to protect and maintain critical infrastructure in a variety of global governmental settings. Critical infrastructure is defined as essential services that underpin and support the backbone of a nation's economy, security, and health. These services include the power used by homes and businesses, drinking water, transportation, stores and shops, and communications. As governmental budgets dwindle, the maintenance of critical infrastructure and the delivery of its related services are often strained. PPPs have the potential to fill the void between government accounting and capital budgeting. This volume provides a survey of PPPs in critical infrastructure, combining theory and case studies to provide a comprehensive view of possible applications. Written by a diverse group of international experts, the chapters detail PPPs across industries such as transportation, social infrastructure, healthcare, emergency services, and water across municipalities from the US to New Zealand to Hong Kong. Chapters discuss objectives and legal requirements associated with PPPs, the potential advantages and limitations of PPPs, and provide guidance as to how to structure a successful PPP for infrastructure investment. This book is of interest to researchers studying public administration, public finance, and infrastructure as well as practitioners and decision makers interested in instituting PPPs in their communities.
Handbook on Public Private Partnerships in Transportation, Vol I
Simon Hakim, Robert M. Clark, Erwin A. Blackstone
- Springer
- 3 Janvier 2022
- 9783030834845
This book discusses the role of public-private partnerships (PPPs) in global transportation infrastructure. Seen as a way to provide vital services in an era of shrinking government budgets, public-private partnerships have become an increasingly important part of travel infrastructure worldwide. This book describes and analyzes the structure of various models of PPPs in various countries, evaluating their effectiveness, and drawing policy implications for future use. Written by leading international researchers and practitioners in the transportation field, each chapter is a case study on the adoption, implementation, and outcome of transportation services in different municipalities. Taken together, these diverse case studies provide an integrated framework for evaluating and using PPPs. Providing rigorous empirical analysis of PPPs in transportation, this volume will be of interest to researchers in public administration, political science, and economics as well as practitioners andpolicymakers involved in establishing and monitoring PPPs in transportation.
Handbook on Public Private Partnerships in Transportation, Vol II
Simon Hakim, Robert M. Clark, Erwin A. Blackstone
- Springer
- 30 Juillet 2022
- 9783031046285
?Second in a two-volume set, this book discusses the role of public-private partnerships (PPPs) in global transportation infrastructure, specifically focusing on roads, bridges, and parking. To provide vital services in an era of shrinking government budgets, public-private partnerships have become an increasingly important part of travel infrastructure worldwide. This book describes and analyses the structure of various models of PPPs in several countries, evaluating their effectiveness, and drawing policy implications for future use. The chapters were written by leading international researchers and practitioners in the transportation field where each chapter is a case study on the adoption, implementation, and outcome of transportation services. Taken together, these diverse case studies provide an integrated framework for evaluating, using PPPs, and suggesting policy implications to both the public and the private sectors in transportation. Providing rigorous empirical analysis of PPPs in transportation, this volume will be of interest to researchers in public administration, political science, public choice, and economics as well as practitioners and policymakers involved in establishing and monitoring PPPs in transportation.
24 images. No. 209, Décembre 2023
Julien Fonfrede, Sylvain Lavallee, Alice Michaud-Lapointe, Bruno Dequen, Robert Daudelin, Ludi Marwood, Simon Laperriere
- 24/30 I/S
- 22 Janvier 2024
- 9782924348765
Depuis toujours, le cinéma se filme lui-même, de Buster Keaton à Babylon en passant par Nanni Moretti. Il a multiplié les histoires vraies ou inventées de gens qui travaillent au sein de son industrie. Alors que les scénaristes et interprètes américains sont actuellement en grève pour protéger leurs droits, améliorer leurs conditions de travail et faire reconnaître leur importance, un dossier sur les multiples façon dont le cinéma a pris en compte les multiples métiers nécessaires à la création des films prend un sens particulier. C'est ce que propose le numéro 209 : « Le cinéma - une affaire de métiers ». Des cascadeurs aux preneurs de sons, des figurants aux acteurs, des scénaristes aux producteurs, des pornographes aux artistes visuels... Une porte d'entrée ludique et pertinente pour parler d'un monde qui se regarde de l'intérieur. Pour le meilleur et pour le pire. C'est l'idée de révéler différemment une industrie par le biais d'une multitude d'histoires de professions.
Creosote, tolerance et intolerance, indications et contre-indications, mode d'action
Simon P.-Robert
- Hachette Bnf
- 1 Septembre 2018
- 9782329154091
Créosote, tolérance et intolérance (indications et contre-indications), mode d'action, par le Dr P.-Robert Simon Date de l'édition originale : 1899 Le présent ouvrage s'inscrit dans une politique de conservation patrimoniale des ouvrages de la littérature Française mise en place avec la BNF.
HACHETTE LIVRE et la BNF proposent ainsi un catalogue de titres indisponibles, la BNF ayant numérisé ces oeuvres et HACHETTE LIVRE les imprimant à la demande.
Certains de ces ouvrages reflètent des courants de pensée caractéristiques de leur époque, mais qui seraient aujourd'hui jugés condamnables.
Ils n'en appartiennent pas moins à l'histoire des idées en France et sont susceptibles de présenter un intérêt scientifique ou historique.
Le sens de notre démarche éditoriale consiste ainsi à permettre l'accès à ces oeuvres sans pour autant que nous en cautionnions en aucune façon le contenu.
Pour plus d'informations, rendez-vous sur