David King
John Heartfield ; laughter is a devastating weapon
David King, Ernest Volland
- Tate Gallery
- 24 Juillet 2015
- 9781849761840
Une monographie de l'artiste et caricaturiste anglais John Heartfield. Né à Berlin en 1891, il est perçu, avec Georges Grosz, comme l'un des pères du photomontage. Considéré par Aragon comme le « prototype de l'artiste antifasciste », il consacra une grande partie de sa vie à détourner les affiches de propagande nazie qu'il publia dans « Arbeiter Illustrierte Zeitung », magazine antifasciste allemand des années 1930.
Cette monographie présente les célèbres pochoirs de David King, à commencer par le logo qui le rendit célèbre, celui du groupe punk Crass, initialement conçu pour un livre de Rimbaud mais récupéré par le groupe, et représentant un serpent stylisé enroulé sur lui-même.
Red star over russia a visual history of the soviet union
David King
- Tate Gallery
- 1 Avril 2010
- 9781854379351
Ce livre retrace une certaine histoire de l'Union soviétique racontée à travers ses images falsifiées. Il montre comment Joseph Staline manipula l'opinion par le photomontage dans le but d'exalter le culte de sa propre personnalité tout en effaçant la mémoire de ses victimes. En effet, sur ordre de Staline, des laborantins du Parti supprimèrent à l'aérographe l'image de ses rivaux réels ou supposés dans les portraits de groupe au fur et à mesure des purges qui les frappaient, trafiquèrent des scènes de foules et rapprochèrent photographiquement le " Petit Père des peuples " du grand Lénine pour lui conférer une légitimité factice. Au cours des trente dernières années, David King, historien de la photographie, a rassemblé la plus importante collection au monde de photos, d'affiches et de tableaux retouchés sous l'ère soviétique.
A swastika crowns the Eiffel Tower.
Nazis march through the streets.
And in the dark heart of the city, a madman is at work . . .
At a chic Right Bank address, a horrific pile of dismembered bodies is discovered. The property's owner, well-to-do Dr Petiot, immediately becomes the prime suspect, but he has vanished without a trace.
As the police delve into the doctor's past, a disturbing history of violence and corruption is uncovered. It seems like a cut-and-dried case, but the investigation soon takes a surprising turn. Is Petiot a sadistic serial killer or a hero of the Resistance? Who are his victims?
In this fascinating true account of a case that gripped wartime Paris, David King draws extensively on new sources to paint a chilling portrait of a murderer whose crimes devastated a city already in the grip of evil. -
Supervising Counsellors is a practical and insightful guide to the responsibilities facing all those involved in supervising practitioners and trainees. Drawing together contributions and new research from those at the forefront of supervisory practice, this book makes essential reading for both qualified and trainee supervisors.
Part One defines the supervisor's clinical, legal and ethical responsibilities, and clearly sets out the law and professional codes relating to supervision. Part Two examines issues that arise for supervisors working in different contexts: organizations; training; primary care; and some of the wider issues concerning supervision, and highlights in particular the expectations of supervisees and the role of supervisors in ensuring that clients are not discriminated against. -
Gotham City, 4 mars, 16h46. Banque centrale. Un étrange client fait son apparition. Personne ne le sait, mais le braquage du siècle est sur le point d'avoir lieu, dans cette banque précisément. Trois malfrats ? Catwoman, le Pingouin et le Riddler ? s'associent pour mener à bien leur mission, juste histoire de tuer le temps...
Longue vie aux dodos
Dick King-smith, David Parkins
- Gallimard Jeunesse
- Folio Cadet ; Premiers Romans
- 8 Mars 2018
- 9782075097154
Bertie et Béatrice s'aiment d'amour tendre. Ils vivent heureux, avec leurs frères dodos, sur une île de l'océan Indien jusqu'au jour où... des pirates débarquent et sèment la terreur. Bientôt, d'autres dangers les guettent : un typhon et des rats, très friands des oeufs de dodo. L'avenir de la colonie est menacé. Heureusement, Sir Francis Drake, le perroquet, veille...
Batman rebirth : Intégrale vol.1
Tom King, David Finch, Mikel Janin, Collectif
- Urban Comics
- Dc Rebirth
- 20 Mai 2022
- 9791026822134
Depuis le début de sa carrière, Batman estime être le dernier rempart face au chaos menaçant sa ville natale, Gotham City. Mais un tandem de justiciers, nantis de pouvoirs colossaux, se propose de prendre le relais. Cependant, les deux jeunes surhommes, qui se font appeler Gotham et Gotham Girl, sont encore inexpérimentés. Le Chevalier Noir prend donc le duo sous son aile. Alors que le professeur Hugo Strange et le terrifiant Bane se préparent à attaquer, Batman a-t-il trouvé deux nouveaux alliés dans sa croisade contre le crime ?
Batman rebirth : Intégrale vol.4
Tom King, David Finch, Mikel Janin
- Urban Comics
- Dc Rebirth
- 3 Novembre 2023
- 9791026821885
Au début de sa croisade contre le crime, durant l'An Zéro, Batman créa sans le vouloir son pire ennemi, le Joker, et rencontra sa première nemesis en la personne du Sphinx, le maître des énigmes. Quelque temps plus tard, ces deux criminels décidèrent de se mener une guerre sans merci recrutant chacun un groupe d'ennemis du Chevalier Noir. Un conflit qui poussa Batman dans ses derniers retranchements.
Batman rebirth : Intégrale vol.2
Tom King, David Finch, Mikel Janin
- Urban Comics
- Dc Rebirth
- 19 Août 2022
- 9791026822400
Au début de sa croisade contre le crime, durant l'An Zéro, Batman créa sans le vouloir son pire ennemi, le Joker, et rencontra sa première Némésis en la personne du Sphinx, le maître des énigmes. Quelque temps plus tard, ces deux criminels décidèrent de se mener une guerre sans merci, recrutant chacun un groupe d'ennemis du Chevalier Noir. Un conflit qui poussa Batman dans ses derniers retranchements.
Batman rebirth : Intégrale vol.3
Tom King, David Finch, Michel Janini
- Urban Comics
- Dc Rebirth
- 9 Décembre 2022
- 9791026822851
Le mariage de l'année approche a? grands pas. Les préparatifs sont lancés et les invitations envoyées. Pourtant, le Joker n'a toujours pas reçu la sienne et il commence a? s'impatienter... De leur côté, les plus vieux ennemis de Batman ont décidé d'empêcher a? tout prix que l'union entre le Chevalier Noir et Catwoman se réalise. Les membres de la Bat-Famille parviendront-ils a? stopper les actes de Silence, de Ra's al Ghul ou encore du Sphinx, avant le fatidique jour des noces ?
Batman rebirth Tome 1 : mon nom est Gotham
Tom King, Scott Snyder, David Finch
- Urban Comics
- DC Rebirth
- 4 Avril 2022
- 9791026847175
De tout temps, Batman s'est vu comme le dernier rempart contre le chaos à Gotham, sa ville natale ! Mais que se passerait-il si un tandem de justiciers surhumains venait à lui voler la vedette et décidait de devenir les nouveaux protecteurs de la cité maudite ? Batman doit désormais composer avec les nouveaux venus : Gotham et Gotham Girl ! Contient Batman Rebirth Vol.1: I am Gotham (Batman Rebirth #1, Batman #1-6)
Batman rebirth Tome 4 : la guerre des rires et des énigmes
Tom King, David Finch
- Urban Comics
- DC Rebirth
- 16 Mai 2002
- 9791026849049
Au début de sa croisade contre le crime, durant l'An Zéro, Batman créa sans le vouloir son pire ennemi, le Joker, et rencontra sa première nemesis en la personne du Sphinx, le maître des énigmes. Quelque temps plus tard, ces deux criminels décidèrent de se mener une guerre sans merci recrutant chacun un groupe d'ennemis du Chevalier Noir. Un conflit qui poussa Batman dans ses derniers retranchements. Contient Batman Vol.4: The War of Jokes and Riddles (#25-32)
Batman rebirth Tome 3 : mon nom est Bane
Tom King, David Finch
- Urban Comics
- DC Rebirth
- 4 Avril 2022
- 9791026847236
Après avoir enlevé le Psycho-Pirate de la prison de Santa Prisca, Batman apparaît plus que jamais comme l'homme à abattre pour son ennemi juré, Bane. Bien décidé à briser le héros une fois pour toutes, Bane l'attaque sur son point faible : sa famille recomposée, Nightwing, Red Hood et Robin ! Contient Batman Vol.3: I am Bane (Batman #16-20 + #23-24 + Batman Annual #1)
David C. King
- Jossey-Bass
- 20 Avril 2007
- 9780787988869
It's important to learn about the U.S. presidents, but it's even better to have fun while doing it. Have Fun with the Presidents is filled with activities, recipes, games, puzzles, profiles, quotes, and fascinating facts, about all 42 American presidents, from George Washington to George W. Bush. You will learn all kinds of interesting things about the presidents, their families, and the times in which they lived, but this is much more than just a book of facts. The games and activities in Have Fun with the Presidents will give you a better understanding of each president's important contributions, interesting hobbies, and unique personality. In Have Fun with the Presidents you will learn that Herbert Hoover and his wife spoke Chinese in the White House as a way of maintaining their privacy Dwight Eisenhower was an enthusiastic cook who loved grilling on the roof of the White House Two of Theodore Roosevelt's sons managed to sneak a pony into a White House elevator so they could take it to their sick brother's bedroom George H.W. Bush hated broccoli so much he had it banned from the White House kitchen And much more!
An understanding of current trauma imaging concepts is essential for all medical personnel involved in the care of trauma patients where the outcome may depend on a rapid assessment of the nature and severity of injuries, allowing appropriate medical management and surgical or non-surgical intervention. Containing more than 300 state of the art full colour images, the ABC of Imaging in Trauma addresses this increasingly important area and provides a concise and practical guide to the role, performance and interpretation of emergency imaging procedures in disaster victims and major trauma patients, and focuses on the use of CT, ultrasound, and MRI scanning to diagnose such patients. It is ideal for the non specialist and emergency physicians, Foundation doctors, trainee radiologists, and specialist trauma nurses. This title is also available as a mobile App from MedHand Mobile Libraries. Buy it now from Google Play ( or the MedHand Store (
Musculoskeletal X-Rays for Medical Students and Trainees
Andrew Brown, David G. King
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 21 Juin 2016
- 9781118458716
Musculoskeletal X-rays for Medical Students provides the key principles and skills needed for the assessment of normal and abnormal musculoskeletal radiographs. With a focus on concise information and clear visual presentation, it uses a unique colour overlay system to clearly present abnormalities. Musculoskeletal X-rays for Medical Students: Presents each radiograph twice, side by side - once as would be seen in a clinical setting and again with clearly highlighted anatomy or pathology Focuses on radiographic appearances and abnormalities seen in common clinical presentations, highlighting key learning points relevant to each condition Covers introductory principles, normal anatomy and common pathologies, in addition to disease-specific sections covering adult and paediatric practice Includes self-assessment to test knowledge and presentation techniques Musculoskeletal X-rays for Medical Students is designed for medical students, junior doctors, nurses and radiographers, and is ideal for both study and clinical reference.
Musculoskeletal X-Rays for Medical Students and Trainees
Andrew K. Brown, David G. King
- Wiley-Blackwell
- 21 Juin 2016
- 9781118458723
Musculoskeletal X-rays for Medical Students provides the key principles and skills needed for the assessment of normal and abnormal musculoskeletal radiographs. With a focus on concise information and clear visual presentation, it uses a unique colour overlay system to clearly present abnormalities. Musculoskeletal X-rays for Medical Students: Presents each radiograph twice, side by side - once as would be seen in a clinical setting and again with clearly highlighted anatomy or pathology Focuses on radiographic appearances and abnormalities seen in common clinical presentations, highlighting key learning points relevant to each condition Covers introductory principles, normal anatomy and common pathologies, in addition to disease-specific sections covering adult and paediatric practice Includes self-assessment to test knowledge and presentation techniques Musculoskeletal X-rays for Medical Students is designed for medical students, junior doctors, nurses and radiographers, and is ideal for both study and clinical reference.
Discovering the Leader in You Workbook
Sara N. King, David Altman
- Jossey-Bass
- 6 Juillet 2015
- 9781118103500
Discovering the Leader in You Workbook From the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) comes a highly accessible workbook based on the concepts outlined in the revised and updated edition of Discovering the Leader in You. The workbook contains a variety of questions and exercises designed to help professionals reflect on, examine, explore, and discover concepts and issues related to their role as leaders. Most of the activities can be completed while working through the book, others require more time, and some involve other people. To gain the greatest benefit, it is suggested that all the activities be done as thoughtfully and as honestly as possible. Once you have completed the exercises and tasks outlined in the workbook, you will be able to Clarify your purpose for leading, based on a clear leadership vision and a core set of values Articulate your leadership strengths and areas for development Understand who you are as a leader in the context of both your work and your personal life Determine when and why you feel unclear or stuck in your leadership journey While you may want to tackle this workbook on your own, leaders often find that the leadership journey is more rewarding when they work with other people. You can review the workbook with a coach or mentor, or work with colleagues who are also using the workbook in order to discuss ideas and gain feedback. If you are a leader (or an aspiring leader) who works in a highly complex and competitive environment and wants to tap into the qualities that characterize success, this is the resource for you. The Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) is the world's largest institution devoted exclusively to leadership research and education. Since 1970, CCL has studied and trained hundreds of thousands of executives and worked with them to create practical models, tools, and publications for the development of effective leaders and leadership.
Find out what life was like in colonial America from the people who lived it!
This first book in the American Heritage American Voices series will give you a rare glimpse into the day-to-day experiences of early Americans. You'll learn from fourteen-year-old George Washington about his Rules of Civility and Decent Behaviour (such as "Do not laugh too much or too loud in public."); you'll read the testimony of an accused witch from the Salem witch trials; and you'll hear about the terrible conditions African slaves suffered when they were brought to America, from one of the slaves who survived. You'll also find out about what led up to the Boston Tea Party, what happened to the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and the daring mission of the first submarine (in 1776!).
From Columbus's letter describing his first voyage to America to the Constitution of the United States, Colonies and Revolution presents a wealth of period documents, including diaries, letters, articles, advertisements, speeches, and more, from both famous figures and ordinary citizens. Find out how all of these American voices working together helped to make this country what it is today. -
Discovering the Leader in You
Robert J. Lee, Sara N. King, David Altman
- Jossey-Bass
- 13 Janvier 2011
- 9780470902301
From the Center for Creative Leadership's most popular and best known leadership program Leadership Development Program comes a book for anyone who wants to have a competitive edge in today's complex marketplace. Discovering the Leader in You shows what it looks like to fit in a leadership role and provides a system of self-discovery that allows for exploration into the roles within an organization. The book includes illustrative cases examples and puts the spotlight on the transition from "the decision to lead" to "how to implement the decision to lead."
Understanding Atmospheric Dispersion of Accidental Releases
George E. Devaull, John A. King, Ronald J. Lantzy, David J. Fontaine
- Wiley-AIChE
- 9 Septembre 2010
- 9780470937983
A brief introduction to a complex topic, giving a description of the processes involved in an accidental or emergency release and the resulting downwind transport and dilution of gases, vapors, and aerosols.
Multiscale Modeling of Particle Interactions
Michael King, David Gee
- Wiley
- 30 Mars 2010
- 9780470579824
Discover how the latest computational tools are building our understanding of particle interactions and leading to new applications With this book as their guide, readers will gain a new appreciation of the critical role that particle interactions play in advancing research and developing new applications in the biological sciences, chemical engineering, toxicology, medicine, and manufacturing technology The book explores particles ranging in size from cations to whole cells to tissues and processed materials. A focus on recreating complex, real-world dynamical systems helps readers gain a deeper understanding of cell and tissue mechanics, theoretical aspects of multiscale modeling, and the latest applications in biology and nanotechnology. Following an introductory chapter, Multiscale Modeling of Particle Interactions is divided into two parts: Part I, Applications in Nanotechnology, covers: Multiscale modeling of nanoscale aggregation phenomena: applications in semiconductor materials processing Multiscale modeling of rare events in self-assembled systems Continuum description of atomic sheets Coulombic dragging and mechanical propelling of molecules in nanofluidic systems Molecular dynamics modeling of nanodroplets and nanoparticles Modeling the interactions between compliant microcapsules and patterned surfaces Part II, Applications in Biology, covers: Coarse-grained and multiscale simulations of lipid bilayers Stochastic approach to biochemical kinetics In silico modeling of angiogenesis at multiple scales Large-scale simulation of blood flow in microvessels Molecular to multicellular deformation during adhesion of immune cells under flow Each article was contributed by one or more leading experts and pioneers in the field. All readers, from chemists and biologists to engineers and students, will gain new insights into how the latest tools in computational science can improve our understanding of particle interactions and support the development of novel applications across the broad spectrum of disciplines in biology and nanotechnology.